ABTC – APEC Business Travel Card

Apec Business Travel Card

ABTC ( APEC Business Travel Card )

As a strategic country in the Asia Pacific, Indonesia is also a member of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), one of the organizations of countries in the Asia Pacific region whose aim is to develop economic cooperation among member countries. Because business people often need time efficiency in their cooperation between member countries, the APEC organization agreed to issue APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) on May 1, 2014, which is used to facilitate business people in the Asia Pacific region to enter the countries in this organization.

Business people who have an ABTC Card can later enjoy the convenience of Visa and queuing processes within the country’s airports that are included in the APEC organization.

Requirements :

1. Fill the ABTC request form (original)

2. Attach this document :

– Application letter from the company

– Recommendation letter from association/profession ( ex : APINDO, GAKINDO, KADIN, etc)

– Photocopy passport, at least 2 years ( full book )

– Photo ( 3 x 4 cm, red background ) ; 1 pcs

– Photocopy of Residential Card ( KTP )

– Pay the cost of immigration

– Attach the original of Police Certificate ( SKCK )

– Attach Photocpy of personal savings account ( bank account ) at least RP. 500.000.000,- ( Five Hundred Thousand Rupiahs )


List of ABTC Member :


1. Australia ( AUS )
2. Brunai Darussalam ( BRN )
3. Chile ( CHL )
4. China ( CHN )
5. Chinese Taipe ( TWN )
6. Hongkong SAR ( HKG )
7. Indonesia ( INA )
8. Japan ( JPN )
9. South Korea ( KOR )
10. Mexico ( MEX )
11. Malaysia ( MYS )
12. New Zealand ( NZL )
13. Papua New Guinea ( PNG )
14. Peru ( PER )
15. Philipina ( PHL )
16. Thailand ( THA )
17. Singapore ( SIN )
18. Vietnam ( VNM )

MSJ Consulting
Serving the Legality of Expatriates and Companies in Indonesia since 2003

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